Email Configuration and Email Logo

Set the following option to allow Workflow to send email notifications for license violations or when configuring custom rules involving notifications. Email configuration also allows you to setup an email address that will receive scheduled reports. You can also identify a specific logo that will appear within email notifications.

Email Configuration

  1. Select Administration from the ribbon.
  2. Select SettingsSystem.
  3. In the Email Configuration section, enter information in all of the fields to set up the email options.
    • STMP server: Enter the name or IP address of the SMTP server used for sending email within your organization.
    • SMTP username: Enter the authentication username for the SMTP server. Leave this field blank if authentication is not required.
    • STMP password: Enter the password corresponding to the SMTP username. If authentication is not required, also leave this field blank.
    • Sender: Choose the email address that will be used to send the notification emails.
    • System url: If your email system has embedded links, the system is required to complete the full URL.
    • Notification Recipients: Enter one or more recipients who will receive the notification emails. Separate each email address with a comma to send the emails to more than one recipient.
  4. After all fields are complete and saved, press 'Send Test Email' to ensure the settings are correct. If an error is presented, fix the error and then try the Test email again. Ensure you confirm that the recipients received the test message.

Email Logo

Choose a logo that will be used within email notifications.

  1. Select Administration from the ribbon.
  2. Select SettingsSystem.
  3. In the Email Logo section, click Change to select a new logo.
  4. Choose the file you want, and then click Open.

  5. Confirm that the logo appears correctly on the screen and is not scaled inappropriately.